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10-09-23 :Recruitment closed

Next round of SRF recruitment is expected to open ~ mid 2024

Archived advertisement for reference

Advertisement for position of Innovation Fellows (SRF)

Positions opened on 18th Aug 2023 and closed on 10th September. Selected Fellows Joining Nov 2023

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National Center for Assistive Health Technology, AIIMS, New Delhi

Recruitment of Innovation Fellows (Senior Research Fellow-SRF)


Ref: NCAHT/RN/SRF/2023/2, 18th August-2023


About: National Center for Assistive Health Technology (NCAHT) is an ICMR-funded collaborative project of AIIMS, New Delhi and IIT Delhi with a mandate for innovation and landscape research in Assistive Health Technologies.


Posts: Innovation Fellows (SRF’s), Up to 4 positions at NCAHT, AIIMS, New Delhi

Description: Innovation Fellows will work closely with faculty at AIIMS to identify, conceptualize and develop novel assistive technologies. NCAHT is looking for candidates with an entrepreneurial inclination. NCAHT will provide technical and clinical support for the development of these technologies.


Duration: One year; starting from October 2023 (Full Time, on-site), extendable subject to performance and progress


Age limit: Up to 35 years (as on 01-October-2023)



Candidates with

M.E/ M.Tech/ M.Des or equivalent post-graduate degree in a subject relevant to the design, innovation, research and development in assistive health technology


B.E/ B.Tech/ B.Des or equivalent bachelor’s degree in a subject relevant to the design, innovation, research and development assistive health technology. Experience: One year after bachelor’s degree in the relevant field.


The purpose of this recruitment is to find candidates who are passionate to innovate novel assistive technologies and are keen to take the entrepreneurial route to commercialize the developed technologies. The innovation fellows will work in a multidisciplinary team which usually comprises of a mechanical engineer, designer, electrical/ electronics engineer and other health technology innovation related domains. Accordingly, candidates with qualifications related to these domains and experience related to assistive health technology/ medical devices/ health technology innovation/ start-up experience will be given preference.


Emoluments: Rs. 35,000 per month + 27% HRA (as per ICMR guidelines)

[subsequently being increased by ~ 70%]


How to Apply: Candidates need to apply by filling an online form. (Google Sign-in required) 

Click here to apply online. (link disabled)


Last Date of Application: 10-September-2023


Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in the month of September 2023. No TA/DA will be paid.


For more information: Please visit or write to us at

National Center for Assistive Health Technology,

9th Floor, National Center of Aging, AIIMS,

Ansari Nagar, Delhi 110029

Note: This is the official website of the National Center for Assistive Health Technology (NCAHT) at AIIMS, New Delhi which is an ICMR project under the Department of Cardiology at AIIMS, New Delhi. This website is operated by the NCAHT project team under gudiance from Prof. Sandeep Singh, Principal Investigator NCAHT and Poefessor of Cardiology, AIIMS, New Delhi. If you are looking for the official website of AIIMS, New Delhi, please visit

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