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Welcome to the
National Center for Assistive Health Technology, AIIMS, New Delhi

NCAHT is a national center for research, development, innovation, training, promotion and dissemination of Assistive Technologies. Funded by ICMR in 2022, the center operates in collaboration between AIIMS, Dellhi and IIT Delhi.

Our Services


NCAHT aims to increase the utilization of assitive technologies improve the lives of people with functional impairment. Creating novel assistive technologies is an essential but not singular way to achieve this objective

AT Innovation and related training

NCAHT will give hands on training to 5-7 Senior Research Fellows annually. The fellows will work in multidisciplinary teams - to understand unmet needs by working with clinical faculty and patients at AIIMS, develop novel ATs, validate them and commercialize them entreprenureally

Landscape research

Understanding the landscape of functional impairment, the need for assistive technology and barriers to its access, is critical for making a meaningful impact. Scientists and Fellows at NCAHT will make a dedicated effort toward such landscape research - the outputs of which will be used internally and  published externally

Industry support & standards research

Fellows and Scientists at NCAHT will work with users and manufacturers to understand gaps in quality and user friendliness. They will then work in collaboration with technical partners to address quality and design gaps suitably. They will also study the role of standards, and make necessary recommendations

Policy research and  advocacy

A conducive policy environment is essential for meaningful impact. Research at NCAHT will also incude assessment of the policy landscape, consultation with multiple stakehodlers and making appropriate recommendations after due research.

Ecosystem strengthening

Many organizations are doing commendable work in the field of Assistive Technology. NCAHT will strive to bring all of them on the same table through events and symposia. Leverageing synergies will be critical for creating meaningful impact.

Clinical integration and research

Integration of assistive technology dissemination and support with the clinical workflow is an established priority.

With partnership from leading medical and technical institutes, NCAHT is well placed to create and present a model fo such integration.

Want to join hands?

Creating impact in such a diverse space requires radical collaboration. We are always looking for partners and collaborators. Whether you are an established organization working on Assistive Technologies, just looking to enter this field, an academician or a young professional keen to explore, there are multiple ways we can work together. Please reach out without hesitation. Creative synergies: possible. Interesting conversation: Assured.

We are just getting started

NCAHT was funded in late 2022 and is gradually setting up operations. Please watch this space over the next months to for more exciting updates  about our work

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